Friday 8 March 2024

Head noise

I think my period will come soon, because it affects my overall mood. I want to take a full break, but my head is full of very annoying to do lists. And for some reason it's very annoying. when people are talking to me it becomes very annoying, people's behavior becomes very annoying. I feel like I want to shut myself up while soaking and eating sweet things

I think my mood swings are due to fatigue and I feel like I have nothing to rely on when my work piles up.

How come when I was invited to a regroup meeting at 4 - 5 in the afternoon and suddenly my brain thought about what happened to my baby, because the nanny had gone home while my mother-in-law was busy eating before Ramadhan. On the one hand, I'm sad, because it feels tiring to be a working mother who stays at home but doesn't get much help.

can you feel my heartbreak?
can you hear my hidden scream?

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