Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The Century of Technology in Education

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.
First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is shalsa I am student from class X-5
Good morning everybody, my respect to our headmaster, teachers, and lovely all my friends..
First of all, let us thank Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers. Amen.
May I tell you, how pleased I’m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. My speech title is the century of technology in education
In this century many people can do everything, from a little thing until big thing. And now we don’t hard to get something. The main is from technology, all sections is have a best technology, communication, transportation, and machine is everywhere. Almost all people do anything with machine. And we called it millennium century. But when the century is more better, many people is forget about their destiny, to care the world where they lived. Because all people want to win his self own and want anything.
Many people destroy their world. They destroy the nature and they destroy their mind and heart with negative education. But the most important to solve that is not from the others person but from ourselves. We must have good way to be a good people in this century.
The first is attitude. We must have good attitude because all people watch our attitude everyday, if we have good attitude we can do this life with happier and no enemy.
The second is responsibility. If we do something wrong in our life we must have brave heart to honest and responsible for what we do. We must now what the risk from what we do. So we all have to responsible to anything we do.
The third is positive thinking. In our life many problem is come, family problem, boy or girlfriend problem, school, friend, etc. and of course every day we forced our mind to thinking the solve of problem. The key is we must have positive thinking, if we have it we don’t think to much our problem, it can be done with slowly but sure because the energy of positive make our mind always fresh and we will smile in our problem.
The fourth is respect to all people. If we want get respect from around, we must also respect to another. Our family, friends, young people, old people until the people who not recognize with us, if we do that we can get good respect anytime and everywhere.
And the last is we must Have good relationship. That can be build good relationship with other not only our friend but many people and try to be good in every relation. In this century more people is grow up and many people is not recognize with us. So good relationship can make us now about anything people, and also it can be more effective to improve ourselves because from another person we learn anything what we don’t know, we can get the different experience from different people what we can’t get in formal education. That is 5 way to be a good people, but the most thing is from ourselves, want or not to be a good people. Good try and be a good people.
I think that’s all and thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamuallaikum Wr.Wb

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